Orvieto & Cortona

The talented, irritating, humorous, chef Alessandra Federici of Cortona is brutally honest –   Both in her opinion on “Italian Restaurants” and badly behaved tourists. Alessandra has been written up in many publications, so if you do any kind of research you have a good idea of what to expect from both chef and the content of the class.  If  you are hoping to be mollycoddled during her classes this program is not for you. If you want to learn about “real Tuscan food”, some food history and you are prepared to LISTEN…Then book this course ASAP.  Do not eat a day before. Get your liver in training. White wine, red wine, limoncello and grappa. Si?  All four of us say 2 big thumbs up. While stumbling home at 7 or 8 pm ish (you see I’m still confused) I distinctly heard Greg slur Yesh. Whata day, best day, EVER.

The duomo in Orvieto was truly incredible. Impressing us all even the heathen Zimbabwean. I enjoyed Luca Signorrelli’s  artwork, in particular how the artist immortalized the lover that jilted him by painting her being carried to hell by a flying demon. Bitch!  After our final dinner in Cortona we wandered the narrow streets back to our car and watched a drunken flute player spin around like a whirling dervish, frightening dogs and small children.  Greg and I had sensitive ears and walked away. The ladies followed later giggling. Was it the wine or the “music”?

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